Thursday, 1 December 2011

New album of music for HomeTaping

Hello all,

As part of HomeTaping 2011 I recorded an album of music in 30 days. If you fancy having a listen you can find it here:

The concept (!) is based on Tokyo Doesn't Love us Anymore by Ray Loriga, about memory and its unreliability, stories about past and future and people getting stuck at a point in time. You can judge for yourself how well it sits together. Remember it was written, recorded and mastered in less than 30 days so please be a bit forgiving..!

If this isn't your thing, well, just skip on isn't it..Hope everyone is well.!

Friday, 24 June 2011

youtube video mashups

hello all,

if anyone wants to see video mashups i did this week you can see them here:

Hope everyone is well..

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

YSPsculpture's photostream

Nuria and Irma, 2010Nuria and Irma (Detail), 2010La Llarga Nit, 2010Heart of Trees, 2007Country ParkHelen Escobedo, Summer Fields, 2008
Henry Moore, Upright MotivesDavid Nash, Black Ball, 2004Barbara Hepworth, Two Squares & Two CirclesSophie Ryder, Crawling, 2007Barbara Hepworth, The Family of Man
Zara Wood: Concourse window illustrationsZara Wood: Concourse window illustrationsZara Wood: Concourse window illustrationsZara Wood: Concourse window illustrationsZara Wood: Concourse window illustrationsZara Wood: Concourse window illustrations
David Nash, Lightning Strike, 2008David Nash, Charred Cross Egg, 2008David Nash, Three Humps, 2006View of the Gallery GardensSunrise in the Skyspace at YSPSunrise in the Skyspace at YSP